
Where will your retirement money come from? If you’re like most people, qualified-retirement plans, Social Security, personal savings and investments are expected to play a role. Once you have estimated the amount of money you may need for retirement, a sound approach involves taking a close look at your potential retirement-income sources.

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Rightsizing for Retirement

Rightsizing for Retirement

What does your home really cost?

A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List

A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List

Longer, healthier living can put greater stress on retirement assets; the bucket approach may be one answer.

A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List

A Bucket Plan to Go with Your Bucket List

A bucket plan can help you be better prepared for a comfortable retirement.

Social Security: The Elephant in the Room

Some people wonder if Social Security will remain financially sound enough to pay the benefits they are owed.

Should You Borrow from Your 401(k)?

Does it make sense to borrow from my 401(k) to pay off debt or to make a major purchase?

Is a SEP-IRA Right for Your Business?

For some, the idea of establishing a retirement strategy evokes worries about complicated reporting and administration.

Catch-Up Contributions

Workers 50+ may make contributions to their qualified retirement plans above the limits imposed on younger workers.

Retirement Income and the Traditional Portfolio

Experiencing negative returns early in retirement can potentially undermine the sustainability of your assets.

What's New for Social Security?

There have been a number of changes to Social Security that may affect you, especially if you are nearing retirement.

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Roth 401(k) vs. Traditional 401(k)

This calculator compares employee contributions to a Roth 401(k) and a traditional 401(k).

A Look at Systematic Withdrawals

This calculator may help you estimate how long funds may last given regular withdrawals.

Saving for Retirement

This calculator can help you estimate how much you may need to save for retirement.

Estimate Your RMD

Help determine the required minimum distribution from an IRA or other qualified retirement plan.

Inflation & Retirement

Estimate how much income may be needed at retirement to maintain your standard of living.

Self-Employed Retirement Plans

Estimate the maximum contribution amount for a Self-Employed 401(k), SIMPLE IRA, or SEP.

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Social Security: By the Numbers

Here are five facts about Social Security that might surprise you.

How to Retire Early

Retiring early sounds like a dream come true, but it’s important to take a look at the cold, hard facts.

Retiring the 4% Rule

A portfolio created with your long-term objectives in mind is crucial as you pursue your dream retirement.

Retirement Redefined

Around the country, attitudes about retirement are shifting.

18 Years’ Worth of Days

The average retirement lasts for 18 years, with many lasting even longer. Will you fill your post-retirement days with purpose?

RE: Retirement

How does your ideal retirement differ from reality, and what can we do to better align the two?

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